Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Why 'Written by Moonlight'?

So, why did I choose this for the title of the blog? There are two reasons, really.

The first is that I'm a night person. I tend to do my best thinking and writing in the afternoon and evening. Also, I tend to hate mornings, and prefer to sleep in as much as I can. Unfortunately, most days I'm not able to sleep in, but still, I enjoy it the few days I can.

The second is that I have tended to have an interest in astronomy ever since I was a child. I have many fond memories of lying on my back, looking up at the stars, trying to pick out constellations and identify planets. Moving out to the country, I love being able to do this again, and I'll look forward to doing this with my children, as they get older.

So, "Written by Moonlight" it is. And soon I hope to share other tips about writing with all who wish to read this!

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