Sunday, November 18, 2007

Where did the time go?

It seems like, these days, there's never enough time to write! Between new jobs, children being born, taking care of other children, and other distractions (yes, I'm speaking from recent personal experience here), when is there any time to get things done? Let alone update a blog....

If you run everything on a schedule, there is the solution right there. Try to schedule in an hour of "writing time." Find a quiet place and sit there with your notebook or laptop, and just put down whatever comes to mind. Try to schedule an hour, and arrange to have that be your private time, so you won't have your train of thoughts derailed by telephone calls or incessant voices whining for a cookie (unless it's yours, of course).

Time can be on your side. You just need to plan ahead.

Now, where's my calendar?